SRML stations: Eugene, OR

Latitude: 44.0468 (+N)
Longitude: -123.0742 (+E)
Altitude: 150 m

Hour vs T Day vs T Hour vs SZA Hour vs SAA Week Month AT BP Spectral Tilt Humidity WS WD Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
HourvsT DayvsT HourvsSZA HourvsSAA Week Month AT BP Spectral Tilt Humidity WS WD Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3

Data download

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2020-2023 (1-Min).zip 2010-2019 (1-Min).zip 1995-2009 (5-Min).zip 1975-1995 (60-Min).zip

Sensor history

Data type Instrument Calibration History/Serial # Period of record
Solar radiation data
Global Kipp & Zonen CMP22 120363 2023/04 to present
LI-COR PY21248 2014/04 to 2023/07
Eppley PSP 23981F3 2008/11 to present
Kipp & Zonen Sp Lite 101903 2014/04 to present
Kipp & Zonen CMP22 110265 2011/01 to 2023/04
Hukseflux_SR20 4765 2021/10 to 2022/12
EKO MS80 S180030063 2019/01 to 2019/08
Eppley PSP 19629F3 2007/05 to 2008/11
Eppley PSP 23981F3 2006/12 to 2007/05
Eppley PSP 19629F3 2003/10 to 2006/12
LI-COR PY21248 1995/07 to 2012/11
Eppley PSP 17853F3 1987/07 to 2003/10
Eppley PSP 13365F3 1987/04 to 1987/07
Eppley PSP 17853F3 1986/03 to 1987/07
Eppley PSP 15680F3 1985/06 to 1986/03
Eppley PSP 24315F3 1985/01 to 1985/09
Eppley PSP 13365F3 1983/08 to 1985/01
Eppley PSP 23620F3 1983/06 to 1983/08
Eppley 848 17701 1979/12 to 1981/06
Eppley PSP 13365F3 1975/05 to 1983/06
Direct normal Kipp & Zonen Chp1 110614 2011/01 to present
Eppley NIP 18948E6 2006/09 to present
Eppley NIP 17668E6 2005/07 to 2006/09
Eppley NIP 18948E6 1991/09 to 2005/07
Eppley NIP 17009E6 1987/08 to 1991/07
Eppley NIP 21149E6 1985/09 to 1992/10
Eppley NIP 13170E6 1977/05 to 1985/09
Diffuse Shadeball Hukseflux_SR20 4765 2022/12 to present
Schenk Star (Black & White 848) 1315 2000/07 to 2023/02
Li-Cor PY22978 1998/01 to 2000/06
Eppley PSP 17518F3 1997/09 to 2011/09
Diffuse Shadowband Eppley PSP 18560F3 2014/02 to 2016/06
Eppley PSP 18560F3 2008/01 to 2013/04
Eppley PSP 23620F3 2006/09 to 2008/01
Eppley PSP 18560F3 1995/07 to 2006/09
Diffuse Calculated Calculated 1977/05 to present
Tilted 30 Degrees Eppley PSP 19211F3 2014/09 to present
Eppley PSP 17846F3 2014/08 to 2014/09
Eppley PSP 19211F3 2010/08 to 2014/08
Eppley PSP 23620F3 2010/08 to 2010/08
Eppley PSP 19211F3 2007/01 to 2010/08
Eppley PSP 13365F3 2006/08 to 2007/01
Eppley PSP 19211F3 1985/11 to 2006/08
Schenk Star (Black & White 848) 1315 1982/05 to 1985/11
Tilted 45 Degrees Eppley PSP 15680F3 1992/09 to 2012/11
Eppley PSP 15680F3 1990/05 to 1992/09
Eppley PSP 15680F3 1986/03 to 1990/05
Eppley PSP 23621F3 1983/06 to 1986/05
Tilted 60 Degrees Eppley PSP 13192F3 1991/09 to present
Eppley PSP 17199F3 1990/05 to 1991/09
Eppley PSP 13192F3 1983/08 to 1990/05
Eppley PSP 23620F3 1983/08 to 1983/08
Eppley PSP 13192F3 1979/12 to 1983/08
Tilted 90 Degrees Eppley PSP 24314F3 2014/09 to present
Eppley PSP 17518F3 2014/04 to 2014/09
Eppley PSP 24314F3 2013/04 to 2014/04
Eppley PSP 18560F3 2010/11 to 2013/04
Eppley PSP 24314F3 2010/08 to 2010/11
Eppley PSP 17846F3 2010/08 to 2010/08
Eppley PSP 24314F3 2007/01 to 2010/08
Eppley PSP 17846F3 2006/08 to 2007/01
Eppley PSP 24314F3 1999/09 to 2006/08
Eppley PSP 19629F3 1999/08 to 1999/08
Eppley PSP 24314F3 1985/09 to 1999/08
Eppley PSP 13365F3 1985/01 to 1985/09
Schenk Star (Black & White 848) 1327 1981/10 to 1985/01
Tilted 90 Degrees - North Facing Eppley PSP 23621F3 2014/09 to present
Eppley PSP 24041F3 2014/08 to 2014/09
Eppley PSP 23621F3 1988/08 to 2014/08
GHI, DHI, & DNI Irradiance RSR PY35627 2019/12 to present
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2018/06 to 2019/12
Irradiance RSR PY21090 2018/03 to 2018/06
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2018/03 to 2018/03
Irradiance RSR PY21090 2017/12 to 2018/03
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2017/11 to 2017/12
Irradiance RSR PY35563 2017/10 to 2017/11
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2017/08 to 2017/10
Irradiance RSR PY35627 2017/07 to 2017/08
Irradiance RSR PY19771 2017/06 to 2017/07
Irradiance RSR PY35563 2016/04 to 2017/06
Irradiance RSR PY35627 2014/09 to 2016/04
Irradiance RSR PY19769 2014/08 to 2014/09
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2014/08 to 2014/08
Irradiance RSR PY19771 2014/05 to 2014/08
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2012/11 to 2014/05
Irradiance RSR PY35627 2012/08 to 2012/11
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2011/09 to 2012/08
Irradiance RSR PY21090 2011/03 to 2011/09
Irradiance RSR PY35563 2010/08 to 2011/03
Irradiance RSR PY35627 2010/05 to 2010/08
Irradiance RSR PY19769 2009/12 to 2010/05
Irradiance RSR PY35627 2009/08 to 2009/12
Irradiance RSR PY19769 2009/07 to 2009/08
Irradiance RSR PY35627 2009/06 to 2009/07
Irradiance RSR PY19769 2009/05 to 2009/06
Irradiance RSR PY35627 2009/02 to 2009/05
Irradiance RSR PY21090 2008/12 to 2009/02
Irradiance RSR PY35627 2008/08 to 2008/12
Irradiance RSR PY21090 2007/12 to 2008/06
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2007/09 to 2007/11
Irradiance RSR PY21090 2004/02 to 2006/10
Irradiance RSR PY35563 2003/07 to 2003/12
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2003/01 to 2003/06
Irradiance RSR PY35965 2001/09 to 2003/01
Irradiance RSR PY37794 2001/01 to 2001/10
Irradiance RSR PY35563 2000/04 to 2001/09
Long Wavelength Down Eppley PIR 2006/01 to present
Net IR Eppley PIR 2006/01 to present
PIR Case Temperature Eppley PIR 2006/01 to present
PIR Dome Temperature Eppley PIR 2006/01 to present
Meteorological data
Temperature   1977/04 to present
Relative Humidity   1982/08 to present
Wind speed   1988/12 to present
Wind direction 2011/01 to present
Atomospheric Pressure   2000/12 to present

Auxliary Measurements

In Eugene, many additional measurements were obtained. These range from second or third instruments doing global horizontal measurements to measurements of photovoltaic panels. Many of the auxiliary measurements can be compared with similar measurements made with different instruments. In order to reduce clutter in the main table, these additional measurements are listed in this auxliary table. In addition, some secondary instruments that ran for short periods are not listed.
Data type Instrument Calibration History/Serial # Period of record
Solar radiation data
Global Li-Cor NRCS 2014/04 to 2021/05
Eppley PSP 19629F3 1998/02 to 1999/08
Eppley PSP 13365F3 1996/04 to 1996/09
Eppley PSP 16962F3 1995/11 to 1996/06
Eppley PSP 23620F3 1995/01 to 1995/10
Eppley PSP 18548F3 1995/01 to 1995/10
Eppley PSP 13365F3 1995/07 to 1995/12
Eppley PSP 23629F3 1988/03 to 1988/08
Li-Cor PY1161-7907 1980/02 to 1988/03
Schenk Star (Black & White 848) 1330 1980/02 to 1982/06
Direct normal Eppley NIP 23928E6 2007/05 to 2007/07
Eppley NIP 17009E6 1995/07 to 1995/11
Tilted 60 Degrees Schenk Star (Black & White 848) 1327 1980/01 to 1981/10
Schenk Star (Black & White 848) 1315 1982/01 to 1982/02
Schenk Star (Black & White 848) 1330 1982/04 to 1982/09
530nm cutoff filter Eppley NIP 17666E6 1999/01 to 1995/05
Eppley NIP 13170E6 1997/10 to 1999/01
630nm cutoff filter Eppley NIP 14981E6 1986/06 to 1995/06
Eppley NIP 21902E6 1985/06 to 1986/06
695nm cutoff filter Eppley NIP 17009E6 2009/12 to 2013/04
Eppley NIP 17666E6 2009/02 to 2009/12
Eppley NIP 17009E6 2008/06 to 2009/02
Eppley NIP 17666E6 2006/01 to 2008/06
Eppley NIP 17009E6 1999/09 to 2006/01
Eppley NIP 17666E6 1999/02 to 1999/06
Eppley NIP 15537E6 1985/10 to 1998/09
SolarCell Data
Washed panel/font> Open Circuit Voltage 1985/04 to 2012/11
Unwashed panel Short circuit current 1983/10 to 2012/11
Washed panel Short circuit current 1983/02 to 2012/11
Step one DC current 1983/10 to 2012/11
Step two DC current 1983/10 to 2012/11
Step three DC current 1098/10 to 2012/11
Step four DC current 1983/10 to 2012/11
Step five DC current 1985/06 to 2012/11
Step six DC current 1985/06 to 2012/11
Step seven DC current 1985/06 to 2012/11
Step eight Open circuit voltage 1985/06 to 2012/11
back temp. PV panel temperature 1988/08 to 1985/04